Bruce Lee and Me

Bruce Lee and Me

it’s fair to say i’ve absorbed more of Bruce Lee’s teachings than the average Bruce Lee movie fan and was inspired to write some comments after recently watching the 2012 documentary, I Am Bruce Lee. a few things i’ve watched and read...
3 Tech Predictions [2012]

3 Tech Predictions [2012]

  1. After scanning a few thousand tech articles recently, it’s apparent account hacking has been and is on the rise. Use better passwords and security methods or your day WILL come: How Apple and Amazon Security Flaws Led to My Epic Hacking 2. 3d printers are...

NYTimes the “Busy Trap” Notes

A recent NYTimes article hit me hard, and it was all about doing nothing, or doing less at least. The importance of relaxing, doing nothing on purpose is something I could be hit over the head with weekly. Here’s what hit me….from the NYT article...