by Robert | May 18, 2015 | Personal Posts
I am a purveyer of all sorts of tech products, and over the last month there have been two products I use regularly asked about again and again by my friends and family, down to exact names and links so they can purchase them immediately for themselves or other...
by Robert | Dec 3, 2014 | Experiences, Personal Posts
I used to use AIM in high school and college. You know, the old AOL chat program. Mostly for banter I’m sure, but in those times I could be online, and there was anywhere from 5-25 people to chat with that I saw in person regularly. I am a talker, and often came away...
by Robert | Nov 6, 2014 | Experiences, Personal Posts
Hi internet goers, friends, acquaintances, and anyone else reading. Quick question, would you be interested in contributing to a blog about the entrepreneurship of everything with me? I started it, optimistic I could put the time in, but can’t do it alone. The concept...
by Robert | Oct 1, 2014 | Personal Posts, Stream
psyched that airplay-ing video games from iMac works so well to a bedroom aTV, they really have a nice product – playing batman, an action game, was seamless for hours. i was surprised by this, using a bluetooth controller, and decent wireless headset, i could...
by Robert | Oct 1, 2014 | Personal Posts, Stream
i cracked open the now free IOS apps for making music and movies, and they are inspirational. i found myself playing piano in garageband and not just tapping a key to see what it was like, but trying to create some melody and thinking about how i’d like to learn...
by Robert | Sep 23, 2014 | Personal Posts
going to sleep early is so urgently critically, absolutely important and l i f e – c r i t i c a l, but … it’s the first thing to go out the window when it’s the best medicine. oh human weakness. i kill sleep, hours of sleep, i’m a sleep killer. i take actions...