Free your mind…human batteries (for a corporation), working like a robot (in an office), super powers (of lifestyle design tactics)…do these sound familiar in your life(style design) journey?
As I worked through my copy of Pat Flynn’s ebooks the Smart Way with my upcoming product and attempted to drum up feedback and followers for my freedom business this week, I ended up watching the entire Matrix trilogy. Although it was on mostly for the soundtrack, I picked up parrallels that I immediately appreciated, and you will too. I found myself empowered by seeing the correlations played out…and I want to give that to you….plus it’s just plain fun.
Check out the 12 Matrix clips below along with my own introductions for immediate “aha” moments and invigoration to move forward with your current battles. Wherever you are in your path, I think these video’s will make some things click and get you hyped. Most of the clips are around 2 minutes long and you’ll probably want to view this page within the website as RSS readers and e-mail clients won’t pick up on the video embedding.
Remember that itch you had, or still have…that there’s something a bit more than “working for the weekend”, then draining your work sorrows with Saturday booze, working in a cube, TPS reports, the American dream crippling debt? There’s gotta be a better way to redesign your life, keep searching….
We’ve all woken up late for something, when it’s work, there’s a specific sense of dread that washes over you. Your supervisor will have something to say, and if you want to continue suckling at the paycheck teet, the conversation plays out like this…you think you’re special?
All I’m Offering is Truth…
You come in contact with someone who’s living life differently and for the first time…you see it’s real. It’s not some random their Dad is rich, won the lottery pipe dream…there’s truth here…and you want more.
Batteries and Reality
Although you’ve been told you need to do well in school, graduate with honors, you find yourself in a job where non of that seems to matter. You’re grinding your way through a company structure thinking it will get better eventually, saving for retirement, enjoying luxuries (or NOT) of a company…all you really are…is someone else’s battery.
YouTube Alternative for Reality | YouTube Alternative for Battery
Alternate Reality
After you’ve broken your mental shackles…life can be what you make it, sure there are some unalterable rules, but don’t let that stop you…you think that’s air your breathing? Learn the ropes…
Your First Failure
You launch your first product, build your first blog, try out your first virtual assistant…and have absolutely no idea what you are doing…let it all go, fear, doubt…
Confusion, so How Does this Work Again?
You’ve taken a few big strides in changing your lifestyle, maybe started connecting with an audience, life hacking, affiliate sales…but do you really put stock in all this? How do you make it your own…mental grappling to ensue…
Your First Big Fight
Guns blazing, you sign for every social media website ever made, spend hours reading every blog on rebelling against the status quo, you try not to lose yourself in the fray…
Your First Big Win
You launch your first product, hit 500 subscribers, make $100 in passive income…at last, you see it’s real…you’re starting to believe…
The Code Revealed
Marketing, time, productivity, passion, you start to see the man behind the curtain in everything around you, you see a path, it’s open for you to take, there’s no going back now…the world is yours for the taking…
You Can Fly
The road is long and hard, there are battles around every corner but with your new found power, your enlightened awareness, you need only to keep going, you can fly…
Disclaimer: These videos are for educational use only. All rights reserved to original owners.
What do you think? What hit you? Leave a comment.
Income Stage Update:
Income stage tactic updates on creating followers and writing an e-book soon to come. Complete with an ebook template process, and how Twitter, Facebook, and the IT Arsenal blog are creating traction and shaping a real business feel. I’ll take you through the literal links from, social media post, to a friends re-post, to new audience, and created fan, something I’m seeing in real time as the edges are smoothed out and I take ownership of online activity specifically for earning income and launching products.
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