the reasonable man adapts himself to the world

the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself

therefore, all progress depends upon the unreasonable man.

This is a heady conversation with myself about being unreasonable and being productive. There is a gauntlet of work I’m battling, as I’m sure we all are on our journeys to abundant lives and financial freedom. These thoughts below are to wrap your head around getting it all done and pressing on when distraction abounds, lack of motivations creeps, and there’s nothing glamourous dangling in front of you.

There’s a struggle in managing the details (of everything) or being constantly aware of physical and digital surroundings versus zeroing in on a big goal to completion. It’s a constant mental battle and I think it’s the key to big things, can you relate?

Some call it focus or discipline, but there’s more to it.

I want X (freedom, business, fitness, travel, etc), yet I can’t focus (for very long or without extreme conditions) enough to make the big moves to get X. It’s not because I don’t want to or can’t figure out how, I’m not talking about not knowing what to do, or finding the time to do it (see previous posts on that). I’m talking more about maintaining desire that drives the “figuring” and the “doing” over time. Success is more about hard work than anything else. It took me a stinkin 6 months to produce a 30 page guide. It’s a common story that life just “gets in the way”.

It sounds over simplified I know. The saying, “If you want something bad enough, you’ll find a way to get it” comes to mind. But it’s true isn’t it? If you truly want to live like a millionaire, and you generate an unremitting desire to do so, you will. (Unfortunately, most people never take the time to figure out what they really want, but I’ll save that conversation for another time with myself)

OK, But…

How the heck do I find that “unremitting desire” feeling? the one that allows me to accomplish anything, no matter how daunting, dull, or challenging? The one that’s unstoppable and unreasonable? I’ll break it down to find out in this open conversation with myself.

The Struggle (an analytical breakdown)

It’s the feeling of un-interest, dislike, or hopelessness in the actions required to reach a goal you want to achieve. (like passive income, a fast car, being fit, or beating a video game for that matter) The result of this feeling is the putting off of the steps to reach said goal and a mental feeling of anguish or laziness, most of the time followed by some instant satisfaction, (you may or may not feel guilty about if you did whatever you should have done) such as tv, eating, drinking, etc.

The dislike in these actions of un-interest grows and is compounded by life’s happenings, “busyness” and competing goals. We stop working toward our dreams. We give up, lose the excitement, do something else, multitask to maintain order and if you’re like me, still continue to schedule time and block out work, and rigorously organize life, but when the time comes to act on those “unappealing actions” … procrastinate, ignore them, become uninterested etc.

How did being obsessed with productivity somehow make me unproductive? I’m a freak.

Over time you lose sight of the end result, the reward, the glory, the accomplishment, and you end up just doing (or not doing) things because you feel like or vaguely sense you should. The carat at the end of stick gets blurrier and blurrier and your focus disperses like water from a shattered glass into whatever mold life has for you next. Sometimes this is just life taking it’s toll, but there’s always hope for your dreams. Battle back complacency, or whatever you want to call it.

Fighting Back, Re-activating “Desire”

I’m not talking about falling in love with accounting, or writing e-mails, or copywriting. I’m talking about seeing through the mud to the end goal and making the tasks you’re un-interested in, feel trivial. How awesome would it be if the thing you dislike the most, the stopping block on your road to success felt effortless to handle? If discipline came easy? I’m talking about generating the power to get done what needs to get done, to do anything.

…but how can i train myself to both be more disciplined, and “get into” the task at hand? one requires inner resolve, the other a more nebulous “catch” or “hook” that spurs a thirst for accomplishment….a fiery desire or excitement.


If you’ve lost the edge, seek these out with me, and keep hunting those dreams!

  • Motivation: Remind yourself of the end result often, with big pictures. Think big, this will help generate creativity.
  • Meditation: Clear your mind, reboot often. Accomplishing big goals has a lot to do with who you are on in the inside, in your heart and in your head. I know for me that means I’m talking with God often, and also purposely clearing out my mind in silence from time to time. Try some yoga too.
  • Mediation: Talk with others, share, help, play, and mention those goals in conversation.
  • Moderation: Be realistic, don’t launch 5 products and businesses at once while working another job, and training for an ironman and expect to progress rapidly, or keep the rest of your life in order. I know, I’ve tried. Choose a goal to champion, and put a few things on layaway for later if you can.
  • Merriment: Studies show if you smile enough, you’ll actually will yourself into being happier. I don’t recommend that, but being happy is good. I have a tendency to get lost in work, gotta break out for shenanigans from time to time! What makes you happy?
  • Monitor for saboteurs: We all have weaknesses, watch out for yours. Clearly define your rewards to overcome temptation. Pin them up somewhere in sight.

My Deadly Saboteur:

I mask the loss of desire or vision in sudo-productivity. It’s taken some serious introspection for me to own up to this and the fact that it’s actually a bad thing. I’m so trained to keep everything at a productive effiecient high (as opposed to one thing) that blocking out distractions (or even acknowledging that everything besides the task at hand is a distraction) is near impossible. I fall into doing “anything” that can be perceived as productive instead of doing what I must to accomplish a big goal, or dream. I have very organized drawers.

I’m constantly and mechanically trying to have my eye on everything all the time as a scape goat to what really matters for my business, or fitness, or life goals. I suppose this is better than watching hours of TV, but it’s 10x more deceptive as I’ll organize my media library, or do my laundry weekly, or organize my tech equipment, or computer folders, or clean my car, or calendar, etc., instead of getting a hard workout in or writing copy or executing a business idea.

It’s not surprising the brilliant minds and remarkable people that we often learn about have erratic behaviors and are almost always seen as fiercely committed to all aspects of a project or their “thing”.

What’s even more dangerous for me is that this seeps into things I actually enjoy, like playing video games or hanging out with friends. I blind myself from things I like with fake productivity.

Repeat: I can afford to stop focusing on so many things so I can enjoy and accomplish an important few.

Personal Note: Do this not just to achieve something great but to train discipline, grow as a person, and learn more about self.

It’s not easy, but no one ever said it would be. Carry on my soldiers! Next post will be less in the clouds I’m sure!