These notes are the first of many, which will detail actions taken often in literal jotting down notes form with some asides on review. Purpose: to keep me accountable, record action, and learn from. The next few posts will catch up on last month and a half.

Resources: WufooApple PagesBlogcastFM

  • sat down with survey results taken from Wufoo which I promoted on my site for last month and throughout Twitter. results will be used in relaunch to spread and share on site as resource for fellow online entrepreneurs.
  • created report i could learn from and share with others, found immediately usable data for what services to offer on relaunch
  • created mindmap from results report for how to share and display the products i want to present
  • scribbled down rough draft of what it would look like to click on a “get help with” button on website.
  • created tiers or “plans” for each service offering. catering to the two ways i can serve my audience. train them, or do it for them. train them is favored, and involves less trading time for money

after this, i added next action items to my google task tank document for IT Arsenal to explicitly define what i’d offer with each service

dug into blogcastfm for mental training, filled out profile, introduced myself in the forums, listened to dave navarro’s post
he’s a coach on how to make your existing online business products and services sell better. laid back. listening made me appreciate and further re-inforce the viability of what i’m doing
notes – passive income is only frontloaded income, or time-deferred income
don’t pay attention to numbers, get involved is most importants
re-purpose content…he hit on “universal” search.

11/28-11/30 haven’t looked at action list or done much in a 2 days (anything ITA related has been just answer, e-mails, or helping Ashley Ambirge)

11/30 11:30 night
just went through a bout of mental questioning….does this business meant to be THE resource for online entrepreneur tech needs have an end game? can it be sustaining and grow? is it worth it, am i stupid questioning myself, and asking what that end game is.

the conclusion i’m telling myself. it’s absolutely worth pursuing, for the immediate future (next few years) it’s absolutely viable for sustained income and growth opportunities, not just including income, but exposure for something down the road, networking, a built up community, mastered knowledge of the executing frameworks for online business so I can launch something unrelated or not requiring a community, a person behind it, or mass exposure per say, but something built more on pure need, and viable by it’s end state alone, such as a computer product, digital app/framework or t-shirt company, or bundle package. something where the product is the figure head, and not me. akin to digital products like ebooks or a membership site, requiring less of me to be present.

the benefit of this relaunch and these services for the future will be experience to execute on other ideas and frameworks, connections, and capital to build more business that requires less of me.

dec 1
noticed i was scanning twitter this morning and clicked on a few links, found a few people selling all their e-products together on a sale. got frustrated i wasn’t in on that, or am doing that.

realized that they couldn’t get to that point, without people exactly where i am now, formulating how to sell, putting together the products, the frameworks, the connections and contacts. they are steps head on the similar path that i am on right now.

don’t try to be over there, be right here, right now, working on your creation. probably my most common problem in not making progress, that and trading quick opportunities for building something larger – back to 9-5 work as things are crazy here.