I can’t seem to decide for myself if a personal / semi business newsletter would be something that would work.
I love providing useful links, tools, content to people, everyone I know.
However reaching out to semi aquaintences in an email list can be annoying/salesy sounding to the person, and doing it to people you actually know can just be weird, like why is Brandon talking to me like he only knows me through LinkedIn?
However I’ve been on a few that are genuinely useful [Tim Ferriss’s 5 Bullet Friday comes to mind] and I do think I share useful educational actionable things throughout the month.
I could easily enough extract a couple thousand email addresses from LinkedIn [previously downloaded] and my address book, pump them into my email marketing tool, SendFox, and send them a first “Hey, I’m going to try this, unsubscribe now if you’re not into it” type email.
It would be a line of sharing what’s up with me personally, a few useful tools I’ve found lately, educational or interesting posts, and that’s about it.
I’m on the fence, part of me is a little scared about it, because who needs one more thing, but part of me is excited about it, and things I am scared and excited about usually tend to be things worth doing one way or another.
So….what to do…
Inspired by Generate New High Quality Relationships Using LinkedIn Content Marketing and Email