Have you ever had a mentor or a consistent stable leader in your life? Someone you could confide in, that suggested paths for you, and gave you course corrections and made you feel safe?
Someone who exudes supportive loving energy that creates the conditions for life feeling like an adventure from a secure base?
I’ve had these types of people in my life at times, certainly not an abundance of them but there have been a few, mostly when I was younger.
I was reading somewhere and this mentor type person was referred to as a wizard in the context of a coach. A life coach, or business coach, it wasn’t clear.
I really liked that reference, everyone should have a wizard or two and it got me thinking who are my wizards? When was the last time I sought guidance from one of my wizards?
I don’t think that’s something I do very well…seek and take advice. Why do I, and many of us think we know how everything should go, or have to go through everything to find out?
When did you last ask your friends, your family, your spouse for advice on a decision? Asking for real help is not something that comes easily to many of us. I’ve been asking my two year old daughter to say help for anything she can’t do, which right now is mostly everything.
Perhaps I should take my own advice and seek guidance for the next thing I’m struggling with or thinking about. It might just save time, make things more clear, or provide invaluable insight.
A wizard would set me straight.
Who are your wizards?
Oh, and the book was Tribe of Mentors.