Lifestyle design is yet to be defined by Webster, but explained as freeing yourself through changing assumptions on work, productivity, money, and living life. Is it possible to triple your productivity? Automate thousands of dollars into your bank account with a couple weekends worth of research? Free up hours in your day with some simple rethinking? How about own everything you dream of while opening yourself up to gain new skills, languages, arts, passions? We don’t know, so we’re going to try it. Watch us here.
So What? This is Fake, I’m going back to work like real people do….
Is it? We’re not so sure, but we’re going to find out. Follow us as we rip open the principles promoted by Tim Ferriss (The 4 Hour Work Week), the most popular lifestyle designer to date, interview those already generating thousands of automated dollars a month, and put to the test the specific actions that supposedly free us from our 9-5’s, our day to day drudgery and bring us into the world of living out dreams, daily.
The plan, which is assumed by the word design is to mix the right elements of positive change in your life, with mind opening (free and accessible) experiences. The process is one rooted in speed research and education, and ends with automated income and living out your wants and dreams. This isn’t get rich quick or shirk your responsibilities, this is rule redefinition. Check back in July as we officially launch, introduce ourselves and lay out our tools, tests, and initial reviews.