Coach, consultant, confident, whatever…talking with and getting help from people who have more experience than you is smart and necessary. Adam Baker and Corbett Barr have made great names for themselves in the lifestyle design and online business space. They’re perceived as experts as they should be. I’ve met with both of them and learned a thing or two about strategy and action.
Adam Baker
If there’s anything I’ve taken to heart since talking with Baker it’s to execute, get my feet wet and get some product on the floor. Everyone says after they launch their first real product push that they waited too long. I’ve already waited too long but I’ve finally taken on an urgency I hadn’t before.
Creating something has a certain responsibility around it that turns your online business idea into an operation. Adam conveyed that to me in and encouraged me to put out content, launch something, then do it again. The time is now!
Adam runs a site called Man vs. Debt, I’ve mentioned him before, if you don’t know him, simply scan his site. He recently finished a resource called Unautomate Your Finances, a brilliant easily digestible finance guide.
Corbett Barr
Corbett helped me narrow down my target audience at IT Arsenal, which helped me create a non-vague selling position, which gave me a definite niche to market to. I always knew my purpose, to give technical support in a personable way, because it’s who I am, but now I can apply that passion in a way that people will pay for.
We talked for little over an hour during one of my lunch breaks. What a great guy and total thinker. He asked the right questions that finally transformed my vague non specific goal to provide free tech support to the world, to something more functional. Freed me from myself once again.
I plan to call on Corbett on the future to evaluate how things are going after I’ve applied his advice in our talk, and on his site Think Traffic. Check it out.
Strategy + Action. Straction.
I put my trust in their advice implicitly and feel unhitched from my self stalling mind. Progress comes from executing a good strategy and coaches help you do just that.
There’s continued movement both in strategy and action at IT Arsenal, the freedom business behind this project. It’s slow, I’ve had plenty of humbling set backs, but I’m thankful for people who are willing to continue helping those who ask of them.
After chatting with these guys over the past few weeks I learned that internet coaches aren’t useless, and are fact great motivators. Do you have any internet coach experience? Good? Bad? Recommendations?
photo by reuters
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