
Dilemma |diˈlemə|


A situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives, especially equally undesirable ones: Saying no to things in life you’d enjoy, want to grow in, or do and build your business, or say yes to those things and suffer risk of never making any big growth in your business.

This is an ongoing conversation I have internally all the time.

It’s the entrepreneurs dilemma…wrestling with saying no to enough things in life, so you can make the mental space to say yes to your ideas and execute, I mean really execute and reach your goals or truly fail.

Said less specifically, but more famously, “Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won’t, so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t.”

The line of how many things to say no to varies for us all, and it’s probably a tough one for us all too, hence, it being a dilemma.

I struggle with this deeply, in large part to my taking on too much, and my natural tendency to constantly organize, manage, be involved, and do more…home improvement, fitness goals, dog training, husbandry, church leadership, relaxing/playing [more important than you think] car cleaning [if you know me you know this is just too important not to add], all the good video games to beat, social activity, oh yeah, a day job…then there’s the life minutia, which I’m rather good at automating.

That’s a lot of things to say no to and as I get older [I’m 31] and gain more life experience in the things I want to be involved with, saying no to a few things is something I’d like to try out more. What if I didn’t work out for a month, or worked with my dog, or played a game, or hung out with any friends [wife would kill me heh] or touched my home to make things better in anyway. What impact could that have on IT Arsenal? What if I did it for 6 months?

Here’s to everyone with the entrepreneurs dilemma, even if for only a time, may you say no to more things and execute!