Title Tweak

“dismantling efficient living, online entrepreneurship & living your dreams in great detail”

i thought this more directly detailed what i report on and write about, and how i write.

it also reminds me that although the last 2 years have been focused on building an online business, i’ve also been learning more and more about creatively accomplishing things you would call a “life goal” or dream, in addition to consciously being smart about living cheaply and efficiently, and those things deserve more attention in writing on the road to financial freedom.


New Plugins

Cute Profiles – [Floating Profile Wordress Plugin] The name doesn’t exactly fit, but the plugin floating to the left is new and works well. I had to modify it so it was fully visible not partly transparent and unattached from the side. I’d also like to re-arrange the buttons but oh well, it works well enough.

The thought process behind it is to show an ever present link to other networks. I know there are share buttons for sharing viewed content, but I’ll stick to keeping that at the bottom of an article as a next action users can perform if the reader liked the content.


New Sidebar Elements

  • Profile Buttons
  • Business Goals
  • Personal Goals (lifelines)
  • Current Hits (most popular) and Recent Posts
  • New Resources (affiliate links, and i believe in and use every one of them)