Since last month I stopped putzing around online trying to find that one great tool, golden idea, or “look” that would make it all easy. It doesn’t exist, I think we all know that, yet we still waste time looking for the easy way out, both in life and business. I stopped just dipping my toes in the pool, networking without any real purpose and instead dug into my niche with aim to be a resource, and release a product. Man it feels good to execute. I don’t have thousands of subscribers or enough monthly income to start a money report, ala Pat Flynn’s Smart Passive Income, but things are finally cooking in the income stage. Updates and numbers below. Note: I’m still doing this with a 9-5, so you can expect only an hour or two of work a day.
Biggest Takeaway
I’m sure I’ve said it before but this nail needs to be driven home, if you aren’t as niched as your customers when starting out, you are going to flounder in making money. Unless your “thing” is inherently and instantly viral, you need to offer laser specific offerings or things just won’t stick. It’s all about “stupid simple” clear concise headers. It seems so easy, but it’s not and people don’t do it. The successful lifestyle businesses or online marketers aren’t just genuine they have specific obvious articulate names for their offerings. I think of people like Sarah J Bray (her website) or Jonathan Fields (his book). Think about the people you follow, what’s the first thing about them that comes to mind…you have to be like that.
Exposure Report
I’ve been employing the down and dirty methods explained in my previous post (How to Scratch a Niche & become a Medium Fish Thoughtleader) and have really enjoyed jumping into where I think potential customers, fans, and friends live.
I have my list of sites to stalk, commenters to scope out, and general places to take in the people and vibe. I’ve been offering my help, friending, and following galore and in the midst of revamping IT Arsenal for a specific message and impending product launch it’s made a big difference in my own commitment and in my exposure. If you want to see the action live, the best place is to stalk my Twitter @robgranholm
Takeaway – The best way to gain exposure is to promote others people content authentically.
The results have been great considering that my content has been stale, I have no product announced yet, and before my website revamp earlier this week, my services we’re rather bland and buried in my site. I’m up 100 plus twitter followers, most of which I would actually recognize and know what they do, I have the support of some stellar people for Backup Informer and in general feel connected to the game. There’s a big difference between knowing that @marsdorian breaks down simple productivity in an awesome way and just noticing his name. Traffic and interest are on the rise. Inquires for paid hourly support/work has increased (3 legit requests this month) as awareness of the services and support I provide are growing. In general, I’m excited.
Product Release Report
Review copies sent and recommended changes made, cleaned up sales page from previous mock (with added video), created “launch” materials, and set up affiliate program to learn the process. I’m in the middle of creating “buzz” a step I’m admittedly timid at. I have a few interviews, reviews and several awesome people that are going to lend a hand on launch day, I’m psyched. I really did give @bobbysofamous $100 to keep myself accountable, and it’s on video somewhere.
If you’re at all interested in the backup product, which is an action guide to informing and guiding you through the best tools for backup for your exact situation, “Like” IT Arsenal on Facebook. I’m planning on offering it to fans early and with a discount code!
Takeaway – There are too many things to hold you back while trying to produce a digital product, take on a “just do it” mindset to get past the barricades…and call me for tech help.
Note on Affiliating
If you have never signed up for someone else’s affiliate program. Do it. Just to get the hang of it. I mean make sure you believe in it, but do it, save the link, have a system to get to the information. Start playing with the avenues you’d use for monetization, meaning, general affiliate links, adwords, commission junction, ejunkie affiliate programs. Keep the links and info in a text file somewhere, having the information at the ready means you’ll actually use it. Try it out with some of your affiliates or some here.
Real Life – I started a simple text document with all the links and swipe files for the various affiliates that I’ve come to admire, connect with, and so on. I didn’t blast the content in effort to make money, but shared it freely when thought valid. I’ll do these same at IT Arsenal. I’ve been doing this for roughly 6 months. I’ve shared the content on facebook, twitter, and blog posts. I’ve used the plugin Apture to link books mostly to Amazon, which through the Amazon affiliate program netted me even more passive income for products I believe in and can talk on. These baby steps now have me equipped and familiarized with the systems to create my own affiliate program and I hold the mindset that if I’m going to back something, I can earn from it. I didn’t think it would happen on this site but through Source Control, Amazon, and the other resources sprinkled throughout this site, I’m trickling in $50-100 in passive income. Nice lunch money or capital for hiring virtual assistants.
Legit Business Report
Business Name
This was annoying to figure out, but after calling a bank and just pretending like I wanted to sign up for a business account, I found out all that was required was for me to have a fictitious name registered by the department of state. One form ($75) and I had a good starting point to accept checks and separate money coming in for IT Arsenal. It’s not necessary as you can keep things coming in your name if you’d like, but I’m an organizational freak and for tracking and separation, decided it would be nice for people to write checks in my lifestyle businesses name and to more easily segregate business expenses once I have the income built up. I haven’t found a business license, or business IEN or anything like that necessary at this point. Bank of America economy business account is free as long as you make one debit card purchase with the provided debit card. I needed an existing BoA account as well. I’m sure other banks provide something similar.
Closing Thought
Business is about the components and the energy to keep working.
So many elements need to be coordinated together in business. They aren’t really that difficult to figure out, but managing them and doing them is the hard part. It’s about finding your working system. Some systems have already been fleshed out for you to study and adapt, others needs to be custom to your character and built on sheer courage and “go at it” attitude. As usual, it’s only myself holding me back.
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