What if your niche was a neighborhood?

What if your niche was a neighborhood?

If your niche was a neighborhood and your business was a bulding on the block, what would it look like? I think mine would be clean and cool looking on the outside, maybe some nice shutters and good parking. On the inside though, the walls would be bare, the shelves...

Action Report on Relaunch 01/07 – 01/17

Resources: MarsEdit, Omnigraffle, Screenr.com, Password Protected Enhancement (custom WordPress password protected pages), eDatingDoc.com jan 7th whew, the vacation time and company paris travel is now over. i’m on the plane back home and it’s clear to me...

Action Notes Relaunch 12/12 – 12/31

Resources: Mars Dorian, stickk.com, BlogcastFM (remarkablogger), Ashley Ambirge, MarsEdit, Password Protect Children Pages, TungleMe, m6 method dec 12 slept really late…12pm read more 4 hour body, made more notes set up hdtestvideo.com and installed wordpress...

Action Notes Relaunch 12/3 – 12/11

Resources: Omnigraffle, Deadmau5, Greg Rollett, Zack Shapiro, Syncplicity, Graffletopia dec 3rd sat in omnigraffle and created a breakdown mindmap of plausible actions and details for the wordpress websites set up. it all starts with a few sentences and a mindmap. the...
Dismantling the Mental Battle of Online Business

Dismantling the Mental Battle of Online Business

many couldn’t possibly understand what I’m about the explain unless you were/are an online entrepreneur with a day job or financially free to a certain extent. you may be there or a few steps back but can see yourself there. i deal with an interesting...