Heyo! I am so glad you found thelifedesignproject.com. This site was started by me 9 years ago to talk about how to pursue dreams like traveling, and living a life on your own terms but doing it as someone not already internet famous, rich, or nomadic.
It’s been really fun so far. With hundreds of posts, experiments and experiences, I invite you to join along. It’s evolved over time, but so does everything!

Latest Posts…
When You Don’t Have a Freaking Audience to Survey
if you have under 1000 twitter followers, 500 facebook likes, or 2000 website subscribers, [all of a decent quality] you probably have a pretty hard time simply "surveying" your users as sooooooo many websites and experts tell you to do when you want to gather...
51 Pieces of Inspirational and Demonstrable Wisdom for Online Business
Sources: Impact Equation, Knockout Strategies, Personal MBA, Derek Halpern Check out these valuable pieces I've pulled from recent readings, it's like eating only the best part of the muffin! [AFG_gallery id='1']
TF (Tim Ferriss) on Muses and Side Businesses/Entrepreneurship 2012 [Notes]
Notes distilled from, Tim Ferriss On How To Start Your Million Dollar Side Business [2012 Fast Company article/video] TF - there's a broad spectrum between entrepreneur and employee, and i encourage people to slowly methodically move from one to the other, and...
Online Business Report October [What’s Working, Numbers, Planning]
While I have been posting fairly regularly on my influences and tactics, I haven't stopped to reflect in detail or report on the internals of IT Arsenal, or my business efforts online, here's a recap on what's worked this year, what hasn't, where I've been challenged,...
Impact Equation Book Review
Once and a while a book comes around with such value, absorbable language, and actionable information, it becomes part of a "core" you'd use in a curriculum for creating a foundation for success. Impact Equation is such a book for being heard online. It's widely...
Less Clothing is Better
No not wear less clothing silly! I think our wardrobe is likely where we have a massive amount of wasted space and material belongings in our life, you rarely, maybe a few times a year wear most of your clothes, but likely wear the same 20 items over and over, a small...
13 Apps, Tech Tips, & Tactics for Easier, Cheaper and More Enjoyable International Travel [Oct 2012]
I recently took a trip to Italy and discovered some useful knowledge to share. I don't get to post often about "Liberation" from the normal grind just yet, I always look forward to what I'll learn when I take some purposeful time away. This year, I found a stark...
What It Feels Like to Have a Hard Drive Crash While Traveling
my hard drive just crashed. well one of them did, the non SSD in my laptop. i have one drive with all my applications, and one with all my data. the one with all my data, like documents and photos, is apparently non existent according to my Macbook Pro, and i'm...
%25 of The Personal MBA’s Wisdom
I'm only %25 of the way through The Personal MBA, here are a few of the gems I have captured. The book has so far confirmed much of what I've experienced in business, reinforced actions I should take, and been incredibly educational while being really easy to read....