Heyo! I am so glad you found thelifedesignproject.com. This site was started by me 9 years ago to talk about how to pursue dreams like traveling, and living a life on your own terms but doing it as someone not already internet famous, rich, or nomadic.
It’s been really fun so far. With hundreds of posts, experiments and experiences, I invite you to join along. It’s evolved over time, but so does everything!

Latest Posts…
Life Designed | 70 days in, What have I done?!
I'm about 70 days into thinking life can be anything I want, but what the heck does that look like in cold hard facts? What have I read, how have I changed, where have I gone, and how can you learn from it? During the last two months or so I took a vacation to Avalon...
Life Designers | Meet some Players, Get in the Game
One of the most valuable things I've learned so far is to surround yourself, physically and virtually (phone, e-mail, video chat, etc.) with like minded people. It's worth its weight in gold when trying to achieve a goal. I'm talking about "lifestyle design" here, but...
Getting Unstuck in Life | Moving Past Mistakes
We all make mistakes. Some bigger than others, but what constantly shines as more important than the mistake, is how you handle it. I'm roughly 60ish days into lifestyle design and somewhere in the last two weeks I've gotten completely stuck. I see now why everyone...
Real Life | Work Work, Get Friday off with Pay
Riding on the words of my last post and interest from a few readers I thought I'd take the time and give a fairly detailed account of how I've actually used the previously mentioned lifestyle design tactics (found here) to free hours of time at my job and make myself...
Elimination | Achieve More with Less NOW
There's something very elusive about actually getting work done. It really is baffling how good we are at not managing life. The key is realizing what's holding you back. It's a matter of waking up to how we waste our time and how we can combat it. It doesn't take a...
Minimize | Delete Your Old Shoes, Make Money
Did you know your clutter might be costing you $3000+ a year? Proposterous you say! Maybe, for some of us, but for a lot of disorganized people, the time spent tripping over accumulated junk and searching through papers is quite literally costing dollars. “In a...
Dreamlining | Step closer to living your dreams
The stereotypical grade school question comes to mind when I think of dreamlines. If you could be anything when you grow up, what would it be? Only instead the context here is, if you had a million dollars in the bank, or you knew you were more capable than anyone...
Afraidycatness | Overcoming Fears
“Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves - regret for the past and fear of the future.” Fulton Oursler “He who is not everyday conquering some fear has not learned the secret of life.” Ralph Waldo Emerson Actions: 1) Identify how you would approach life...
Reading | How to Improve life as a whole
Actions: Read. Goal: Improve life, become people and money savvy. For those of you who like to be resource intensive, there's a plethora of information that will equip you with the people skills, technical skills, and positive spirit to move in the direction of...