Heyo! I am so glad you found thelifedesignproject.com. This site was started by me 9 years ago to talk about how to pursue dreams like traveling, and living a life on your own terms but doing it as someone not already internet famous, rich, or nomadic.
It’s been really fun so far. With hundreds of posts, experiments and experiences, I invite you to join along. It’s evolved over time, but so does everything!

Latest Posts…
Time Management is the Key to Lifestyle Design | G_RO
This is a guest post written by Greg Rollett from Rock Star Lifestyle Design. I reached out to Greg months ago while first looking at what it was to design your lifestyle. He's been an awesome resource, down to earth and excited. He gives us some great tips on how to...
The Life Design Project | Resources for Freedom
I've stumbled on some great people and phenomenal services over the first 3 stages of this project. Although the best is yet to come, (income streams finally!) I can't stress enough how valuable the for-thought of defining your dreams and situation (stage 1),...
Results | Outsourcing and Automation in Freelance
What does it look like to take a slightly elevated view to your fledgeling freelance business or idea on lifestyle design? If you've been following along at all, I've taken the resources Source Control, Work the System, and the Under 30 Rockstar Business Series and...
Work the System & Under30 Rockstar Biz Series
I apologize for the long delay in posting. Setting up a system structure to run your passion fueled business and generating ideas out of it has a way of taking up time. The pesky 9-5 doesn't help either...I snidely ponder and hope for my dependance on it to end sooner...
How to Reboot your Brain and Regain Life Control
Ever find yourself in a mental haze, staring at projects (with great singular focus mind you) and tasks you know you want to do, yet have no drive to do them? I certainly have. We're on the cusp of major business automation and passive income products, how could this...
Real Life | Limit Information Tactic “Electronic Armor”
This post is off the cuff, provides zero grammatical correction and in response to a vivid story like experience post about information overload from my friend J.D at Wage Slave Rebel. ...be a master of selective ignorance and limited information to actually...
Source Control: The Invigorating Outsourcing Guide
This post is a review of the ebook "Source Control" by David Walsh. It has heavily influenced my automation and outsourcing tactics. Let's get going. By the time we're done talking, it'll be 9am somewhere in the world, where people will be walking into work - ready to...
Life’s Easy Mode in 3 Steps | Automate Your System
This post is 1 part life, 2 parts instruction and resource. Finally, stage 3 of this program, automation, outsourcing and a making money mindset. After weeks of testing how one can really automate life to gain value, I have a lot to say. Here are the hitting points:...
Calm before the Automation Storm | What’s Up
Short post, the gap in time from my last has been too long and I don't want recording my experiences to get cold. I've been more than busy delving into the next stage of lifestyle liberation. Let me resound from my last post though, life has never been more exciting!...