Heyo! I am so glad you found thelifedesignproject.com. This site was started by me 9 years ago to talk about how to pursue dreams like traveling, and living a life on your own terms but doing it as someone not already internet famous, rich, or nomadic.
It’s been really fun so far. With hundreds of posts, experiments and experiences, I invite you to join along. It’s evolved over time, but so does everything!

Latest Posts…
An Environment for Moonlighting on the Internet
Where do you work? I don't mean that 9-5 you may or may not have, I mean, where do you brainstorm? Where do you mastermind and create your latest projects or grind out ideas and turn information into products? Do you roam? Do you have a home base? What does it look...
Reader Response: How to Catalyze Productivity, Be cool at work (while Moonlighting) and Batch Breakfast
Relationships are fuel. I've had some great conversations lately and wanted to share them with you. Thoughts on catalyzing productivity, how I confront moonlighting/blogging at my job, and a quick video of how I batch breakfast omelets. Question 1 (dealing with...
Behind the Login Screens: Analyzing the Start of a Lifestyle Biz
Everywhere I turn lately I see people resounding something so simple and so effective when it comes to producing income with anĀ online lifestyle businesses. Don't. Huh? Yeah...don't produce income. Forget it. If you're getting started, or struggling, do something you...
Online Business: Real Life Problems, Solutions and Successes
Hello friends. It's been a couple of busy weeks. I want to thank everyone who supported IT Arsenal in the Bizbreak Limitless VC contest. Although I didn't pull out the win, being hundred and hundreds of votes ahead of third place really wowed me. I was humbled by...
The Matrix Explains Lifestyle Design
Free your mind...human batteries (for a corporation), working like a robot (in an office), super powers (of lifestyle design tactics)...do these sound familiar in your life(style design) journey? As I worked through my copy of Pat Flynn's ebooks the Smart Way with my...
Mind Freedom: Inspiration Resources and Real Life Relatability
Today's post is one part valuable inspiration data and one part un-cut real life commentary. It's a little more on the raw side compared to my usual dissections but no less effective. I have for you a mix of survey data on inspiration and a real life e-mail which...
Freedom Business: Platform, Product, Go Already
As last week zoomed by and I continued to plod along creating an online business from scratch I thought about what to share this week in my experiences. How can I give you value? Blogs and resources abound on how to start building a business throughout the interwebs,...
278 Days of Lifestyle Design, Where Have I Digitally Been?!
I know I know, a big massive list...."great" your thinking. I'll cut the crap, I promise you'll find value here. The list below is just about every resource I've tapped since starting this lifestyle design journey roughly 270 days ago. Before you start scrolling,...
Virtual Insanity No More: How to Get the Most out of a Virtual Assistant!
Editor's Note: The following is a guest post by Chris of Virtual Business Lifestyle. Follow him on Twitter @chriscducker. Next week, freedom business growth. Nowadays we hear the term 'Virtual Assistant' more than ever before. It seems like everyone and his dog has...