Heyo! I am so glad you found thelifedesignproject.com. This site was started by me 9 years ago to talk about how to pursue dreams like traveling, and living a life on your own terms but doing it as someone not already internet famous, rich, or nomadic.
It’s been really fun so far. With hundreds of posts, experiments and experiences, I invite you to join along. It’s evolved over time, but so does everything!

Latest Posts…
Reader Response: 5 Questions for Revolution. Are you Another Cog in the System?
Since starting The Life Design Project and delving into the income stage with IT Arsenal, (my bootstrapped online business) the most amazing things have happened. I somehow have become an "expert in my field" an "up and coming blogger" and "someone to keep an eye on"...
Launching a Product without an Audience (Plus Results!)
Another three weeks have flown by pursuing passive and easily managed income for a regular guy. The launch of my first product taught me so much in so little time, and it's just as I was told and even told myself, if you are considering a digital product, just do it....
Reflection: What Lifestyle Businesses CAN’T DO
So I've been pondering lately while jumping into the entrepreneur space and how to be a "tech hero" with what's different between a lifestyle business (ie. what I'm looking to do) and an online start up, or traditional small business? It's very tricky to ponder and...
“I’m Doing It” Field Report July 11
Since last month I stopped putzing around online trying to find that one great tool, golden idea, or "look" that would make it all easy. It doesn't exist, I think we all know that, yet we still waste time looking for the easy way out, both in life and business. I...
Niche Play, Social Interaction, Product Production: A Breakdown
Ideas are easy. It's the execution of ideas that really separates the sheep from the goats. Sue Grafton Notes on finding your place inside a niche, interacting and developing content. What does marketing really mean? I stumbled on this excellent article that further...
Online Business is Chess | How to Avoid a Stalemate, be a Grandmaster and Keep $100
Wow, it's been four weeks, I'm a jerk. I'm breaking the cardinal "consistency" blog rule, but for good reason. I haven't left frustrated or concluded lifestyle design is an exercise in futility, on the contrary I've been moving the pieces into place on how to create...
What I’ve Learned from Internet Coaches
Coach, consultant, confident, whatever…talking with and getting help from people who have more experience than you is smart and necessary. Adam Baker and Corbett Barr have made great names for themselves in the lifestyle design and online business space. They're...
How to Scratch a Niche & become a Medium Fish Thoughtleader
I've been working on a few processes on generating website traffic and how to become a thoughtleader. Some for automation, other for self execution. There are countless guides, blogs, and websites on this, (I'm looking forward to David Walsh's M6 Method process on it)...
How I “Social Media”
httpvh://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpDo7AnlPo8 Here's how I "social media" .... it's almost a verb...no? There's too much information to absorb, and in the spirit of avoiding information overload, this short video demonstrates how I manage social media without going...