Heyo! I am so glad you found thelifedesignproject.com. This site was started by me 9 years ago to talk about how to pursue dreams like traveling, and living a life on your own terms but doing it as someone not already internet famous, rich, or nomadic.
It’s been really fun so far. With hundreds of posts, experiments and experiences, I invite you to join along. It’s evolved over time, but so does everything!

Latest Posts…
Progress Report: Getting Feedback = Execution, The One Solution Problem and Controlling Influence
Resources: Experience, BlogcastFM, Ramit Sethi's Earn1k Course, 4 Hour Work Week Forums, Noah Kagan, Omnigraffle, Google Forms, Mixergy, Young Entrepreneur Forums, Craigslist, Mailchimp, Wordpress Despite writing about it for months, thinking I know better, and...
Wall Fuel: Stop Doing Now List and the Wisdom of Others
Resources Mentioned: Matt Garland, Chris Guillebeau , Ramit Sethi, M6 Method, Blogcast FM Today's post is on the wisdom of others in the area's of time management, monetizing your website, traffic, getting started, and being better. I'm passing on the gems I've found...
Why Do Detailed, Specific, Comprehensive E-mails Fail?
Today's post will analyze the psychology of why e-mails with all the right information get ignored, deleted, and un-answered and offer tips on how to avoid having this happen when e-mailing those A-listers who can help make your online efforts a success. Hint: It's...
The Un-Sexy of Setting up a Product, Putting the Cart before the Horse and a Mixergy Webinar (Plus Progress Report)
Resources Mentioned: andrew warner, mixergy.com, noah kagan, okdork.com, corbett barr, catherine caine, webex, mindnode pro, mailchimp, ejunkie This post is large part update on the progress of the business, large part reflection from a webinar on "launching a...
The Snorkl Report, Trying is the First Step to Succeeding
starting a blog can do wonderful things IF you make an effort. this project has sparked more inspiration, challenge, business and progress then i ever thought it would. let that be a note to those on the edge to go ahead and give it a try. along the way i've received...
How Do you Build a Business?
Resources Mentioned: Mint.com, Wordpress, The Art of Non Conformity, Clickbank piece by piece by piece. that's how. the quote goes, "Rome wasn't built in a day" and any online business endeavor certainly isn't either. i've always reflected how it's less about any...
Back in Action Report 1/24 – 2/7: take a break, don’t use a blog for business, capture your contacts, progress slowly
Resources and Summary: Wordpress styled websites...and a lot of reflection on the grind of working on your business and/vs. in your business. jan 24th night created a contacts group in Gmail of people i've reached out to and who have showed interest in my relaunch and...
Fighting a monster flu, check out thrillingheroics.com or manvsclock.com (new and developing) ... and do something to boost your immune system today. please excuse brevity or typos, written from iPhone while coughing and drinking vitamin water
Action Report on Relaunch 01/18 – 01/14
Resources: screenr.com, followupthen.com, M6Method , Screenflow jan 18th summary: video editing for videos in your product launch, mindmaps, salespages, personal marriage updates navigation installed on each page of the WP Trainer service and video made for...