Heyo! I am so glad you found thelifedesignproject.com. This site was started by me 9 years ago to talk about how to pursue dreams like traveling, and living a life on your own terms but doing it as someone not already internet famous, rich, or nomadic.
It’s been really fun so far. With hundreds of posts, experiments and experiences, I invite you to join along. It’s evolved over time, but so does everything!

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Why Getting Up Early is Better than Staying Up Late for Products and Projects
i've been consuming information on productive living for a few years now. i'm by no means an expert, but from experience alone can comment on a few tactics for getting more done in less time, and the optimal actions for achieving results. i have some challenging...
How To Test Product & Service Ideas Faster (instruction and motivation)
how do you get over the administration and organizational hump of implementing faster when you want to test an idea and launch something? this is what it looks like for me in my own circumstance right now, how can you re-produce for your business situation? this is an...
Using Fear for Motivation, The “Worst Case” Experiment
need some motivation? use fear. what would it look like if you dropped everything to pursue a passion or goal you've really wanted to accomplish and it failed miserably? what would happen to you emotionally, what would happen to your bank account, your relationships,...
Expanded Techniques for Business Automation and Efficient Behavior
i've gone on at length on this blog about automation, and workflow. (See Life's Easy Mode in 3 Steps | Automate Your System). today i'm going to expand on techniques i use in my technology support business for chopping out time otherwise wasted. you can use these...
18 Tools I Haven’t Made Time to Share With You
I'm a tool hoarder. I'm an app junkie....I can't help myself when a new website, app, or service springs up promising me untold productivity, informational, or business riches. I sign up, I bookmark, and I try to make the best use of them as I can. I've found some...
9 Ways to Grow Your Mild Successes Online
so i've had mild success online maybe you're in the same boat. let's grow them to something more than "mild". i've taken this blog, grown it, started a business, grown it, explored information products, automation and efficiency tactics, service creation, selling and...
Reflection on Numbers and Popular People
numbers mean a lot to internet folk, but if you have 10 people, paying you $500 a month, you're making $5000 a month or you have 10,000 people, paying you .50 a month you're still making $5000 a month. which is better? more importantly, how much time do you spend (or...
Inspiration: Rules of Thumb, Gary V, Marketing Minute, Entrepreneur Mag
Words from books or publications that have inspired me lately. Quick reads, powerful lines. Click to enlarge.
How My Business is Growing Up
how i've built what i've built so far in online business with IT Arsenal, in shorthand, the bullet point, non-link-bate list form for review and recap. i find it valuable to look back on the past, to improve and reflect and see where i got stuck. START life design...