Heyo! I am so glad you found thelifedesignproject.com. This site was started by me 9 years ago to talk about how to pursue dreams like traveling, and living a life on your own terms but doing it as someone not already internet famous, rich, or nomadic.
It’s been really fun so far. With hundreds of posts, experiments and experiences, I invite you to join along. It’s evolved over time, but so does everything!

Latest Posts…
A Trick to Find and Start a Profitable Idea
fun fact, the life design project was almost called "no shift key" because i didn't like using capitals whether you're thinking of selling a product or service, or have an idea for a business, i have a trick for testing if it's profitable that i've been using in my...
Site Updates
Title Tweak "dismantling efficient living, online entrepreneurship & living your dreams in great detail" i thought this more directly detailed what i report on and write about, and how i write. it also reminds me that although the last 2 years have been focused on...
“What’s Working” Online Business Report April
"Some people succeed because they are destined to, some because they are determined to..." the time is since long overdue for me to report on progress made at IT Arsenal, an online business built to slowly create financial freedom and enable more and more freedoms...
How to Write Great Newsletters with the Least Amount of Effort
i was interested in making newsletters (or autoresponders) with the least amount of effort that still made an impact and used the proven AIDA method. i made a template and basic instructions based off a free appsumo.com video (wish they would bring those back) and...
How To Stop Being My Own Worst Enemy
...this is an introspective look on being my own worst enemy and tactics on how to over come it. something i feel many online business builders, and project creators could easily relate to. it's probably the most re-occuring "issue" i continue to have as i develop....
Others Wisdom: Practice = Trust, Done is Better, Chaos Business
Readings, quotes, and images I've captured to boost your business mind and general operation below... i believe this innovative artists adapt training = trust = ease of action = mastery see done is better than perfect. good reminder for procrastination...
Mechanics of Making More and Working Less – Work the System 3
I just finished reading Work the System for the second time, it's in it's 3rd edition printing and I can't recommend it enough for grasping a concrete sense of how to elevate yourself out of the chaos in business and life, pinpoint the systems that make things work,...
Grow Like This – The Hacker Way Action Excerpt
I grabbed the excerpt as I found it applicable and similar to Chris Brogans "gate jumping" thoughts. Use this as fuel to forge ahead if you're stuck. Find what works, iterate, make it better if the idea proves itself worthy. Pulled originally from Facebook's IPO...
“What’s Working” Online Business Report January
I don't have tons of free time for my online business. I don't go to many online webinars from the "Pros" ... I don't host them either. I rarely send out e-mails to my list (once a month), barely do interviews or guest posting. I don't have the time to dedicate...