Dismantling the Mental Battle of Online Business

Dismantling the Mental Battle of Online Business

many couldn’t possibly understand what I’m about the explain unless you were/are an online entrepreneur with a day job or financially free to a certain extent. you may be there or a few steps back but can see yourself there. i deal with an interesting...
Accomplishing Big Goals through Inception

Accomplishing Big Goals through Inception

does it seem like accomplishing something big requires seclusion, a feeling of…”I need to go into my cave where no one can touch me”, a “bubble” where “work” feels like creation…avoiding others, avoiding distraction… great minds,...
The Long Stage of Business Wonder, Trial and Error

The Long Stage of Business Wonder, Trial and Error

Resources: Influences from The Art of Non Conformity book and blog. I’ve spent the last month or so in an inquiry about identifying my ideal customer, how to solve their pains and how to change my approach to be more relevant to them…to grow, sell, provide...