Today I’m introducing The Life Design Project STREAM posts. As the business arm of this project (IT Arsenal) has started demanding more time and energy I wanted a way to continue adding life value to this project. The STREAM posts will comprise of shorter specific valuable points I’m learning along the way with occasional links and epiphanies. You can identify them by STREAM in the title. I’ll keep to posting at least one “pillar” or substantial post a month. I hope these will be quick hits for your success, and more consistent updates to this project!

The Story So Far…

The venture into building a lifestyle business (and easily managed income streams) continues! Last month was a milestone as I made more online than my offline salary. The income comprised of about 20% freelance (read craigslist) pickups, 65% IT Arsenal (the blog connections turned profitable, tech help online, my digital product, etc… gigs or paid consulting), 10% affiliate payout and about 5% from some web hosting I do.

I couldn’t believe it when looking at my reports last month, but it was true and time for some relaxation so I decided to do something very “LD” and took an impromptu trip to Jamaica with my girlfriend to soak it up and prove to myself this is real.

It’s still a big struggle to maintain the income and balance life (I’m creating a “review this every morning” document right now and honestly feel scattered at the moment). I’m still very much building my influence and “products” …but there’s a foundation that’s sprouting connections, opportunities, and developments that over time will create that free lifestyle that pays the bills and offers opportunities to pursue dreams. It’s real, it’s out there, it takes work.

Now that I’ve glimpsed this…”feeling” this “business growth?” .. this….way of working if you will…  I’d rather build ventures that take heavy time and testing initially but pay again and again any day. Boil it down and it’s a risk of time, energy and money (although not a lot in our internet opportunity economy) … for reward. It’s similar to a traditional business product model in that sense, but the risks are much more money focused, and the value more centered in a product than a person. Sheesh … “Business” has so many varying degrees of definition. What risk are you staring at? Go ahead, take a step in that direction.

Now it’s time to write more content, provide value, help people without end, and build new products. Tech advice anyone?