…notes to self

this is so important, if you don’t force your mind away from your work [both reactive and proactive] for an hour a day, you’ll become entangled in productivity suck, in the “must be better” drawl, in constantly check email keep up with everything time waste….you need restful, un”productive” mental breaks, they are required, not optional

this is why running has worked for you when the weather is nice

….it’s evident during this work trip how important getting free in the early morning to do a quick journal is to setting up a great day, but i haven’t been getting up early enough, i need to make a change at home

get up, do your journal, read 5-10 pages, listen to a song, and pray/meditate meaningfully


habits building this year – themes

regular reading
regular prayer and meditation
online learning
purposeful resting


i am always being pulled in a 100 productivity directions, which often distracts me from rest, and from focused creative work

ibank finance organization

saved articles on feedly, facebook, inside of evernote

moving a short distance forward in many directions or a long distance in one, I am drawn to managing life but feeling like I can’t finish anything or make big gains

multiple tabs open, a training video playing in the background, email check…back to my daily journal entry that’s been open for hours

it will be critical to my personal and professional development to make it a priority to slow down in order to rest, and learn new things regularly.

use micro-habits – the smallest task for a habit i want, like lacing up sneakers if you want to run, opening a video full screen to do some learning


I don’t think I’m taking on too much but I am failing to get up early for the small day starter actions and tracking one monthly goal in major life areas

how can I set up my daily routine to make it impossible not to do my day starters and see and confirm any progress on my major goals

  • prep clothes, physical items, etc and morning items the night before
  • create automated triggers that force me out of bed – maybe something that wakes santa early, or something with a closing window of opportunity
  • create an app or more likely a web page that has my goals and JavaScript prompts at an interval