A recent NYTimes article hit me hard, and it was all about doing nothing, or doing less at least. The importance of relaxing, doing nothing on purpose is something I could be hit over the head with weekly. Here’s what hit me….from the NYT article  http://nyti.ms/N6dpN2

  • Idle dreaming is often of the essence of what we do,” wrote Thomas Pynchon
  • It’s hard to find anything to say about life without immersing yourself in the world, but it’s also just about impossible to figure out what it might be, or how best to say it, without getting the hell out of it again.
  • They’re busy because of their own ambition or drive or anxiety
  • The Puritans turned work into a virtue, evidently forgetting that God invented it as a punishment. (christian overtone)

Point? Spend more time doing nothing and reflecting on the nothing, it’s okay to do nothing.