sniply logo

sniply is a really interesting tool I’ve been using more and more in my business and personal life lately. There’s one specific way I’m using it that I want to share. I’ve found increases interaction, engagement, and ultimately a response of some sort.

It’s simply and straight forward.

First, what is it?

sniply lets you share most websites with a small overlay on top of them that you can customize, and without much more context, sort of seems pointless.

When you think about how it could be used to nudge people while sending them a link, or for business promotion purposes, it gets interesting.

Since my business is all about helping people with technology, I get to link out to cool pieces of tech, or website services like Mailchimp, or a WordPress theme, or something like that, and then have a little “robert head” in the corner [or company logo, or whatever] saying “Hey! I can help with this if it looks challenging, click here.”

It looks like this.

sniply screenshot


It’s particularly great for newsletters when you’re recommending, promoting, or suggesting anything. I recently wrote a newsletter for IT Arsenal with a bunch of useful resources, all using sniply so that if any of those tools were beyond my users or they wanted help, they had it there, and many of those links converted back to me with follow up.

E-mail newsletters are usually valuable for their inherent content, or the links they provide to other content, sniply helps me capitalize on those links by creating an experience like I’m coming with them as they click the link and I can help them if they find something useful!

You don’t have to put too much thought into ways this can translate into other useful functions.

How to get

I won’t go into detail here, sniply does a good job of walking you through the process, see their website.