credit woodleywonderworks

Our lives are dynamic and so is designing them. There’s a definite flow to creating your freed lifestyle but there are also several constants to refresh and maintain along the journey. Keeping up certain conversations, continually reading books and blogs, and trying out new tools for productivity and growth are among those constants that keep us sharp and ready to succeed. It’s the journey that shapes us, not the goal itself.

In line with sharing my experiences for this project, here are 3 new tools I’ve picked up, 3 new blogs I’m scanning, 3 new ebooks I’m reading, and 3 types of conversations I’m now having in the thick of creating easily managed income with a digital product. Hopefully you can use them as fuel on your road.

These resources are one’s I’ve drawn on for moving through the beginnings of creating an easily managed income product and staying motivated while doing so.

3 Tools

RescueTime – A handy website and tracking tool for time gauging how long you spend at certain websites or using certain apps. I was surprised, I spent a considerable amount of time at my own sites writing. I learned I need to compress these down in writing blocks instead of constantly having them open. They boast an average of 3 hours and 54 minutes a week saved for those who use the tool! Mac/Windows.

BuySellAds – I haven’t used this service yet, but I’ve read up a considerable amount on this service site. A friend who’s using it now, and who I met through this blog recommended it. Whether you want to create your own ads or serve others, you have extreme customizability and hyper targeting. This testimonial puts it well, “BSA is like a shotgun sniper rifle. We spread our brand image in the right areas and can still target specific niches where customers who need web hosting hang out. Fantastic!”

Mailchimp – I’m realizing more and more that e-mail lists, newsletters, or “instant updates” are a staple of any business out there. The ins and outs of setting up a mailing list aren’t difficult but it’s a process to familiarize yourself with. Mailchimp lets you do that for free (for small lists) and their website is top notch. I know a lot users are partial to Aweber, I think that’s more because of their affiliate selling network and advanced features. Regardless, don’t just brush understanding a mailing list off, if you haven’t set one up, do so for kicks, because you will need to do it eventually. It’s the quintessential example of setting something up to be automated by solid forthought. The welcome e-mails, confirmation e-mails and the various nuances like using the users first name or branding the e-mails that go out to your users take more than 10 minutes to sort out, give yourself an hour or two to sit with it. Feel free as always to contact me for any help along the way.


WordPress Subscription Options Plugin – A very simple plugin but so important. This plugin displays those vital favicons for Twitter, Facebook, E-mail and RSS. Unless you build something custom, I found most of the plugins out there to be hoakey. This was plug and play. It’s easy to use your own images too.

Facebook Fan Page – I was never a huge Facebook fan, but it’s so easy to drum up followers and get a coherent page of fan based interaction with a Facebook Fan Page that I’ve been giving it more thought. You need a regular profile to have one, and receive a unique URL at 100 fans. It’s easy to automate and interact with via the various Facebook applications out there. Check out the IT Arsenal Fan page and feel free to add us if you could use free IT advice, links, and occasional support give aways.

Teleport – Mac tool for using multiple computers with one keyboard and mouse. I own a desktop and laptop so when I sit down at home, I can open up my laptop and instantly gain it’s screen and applications for quick use with my existing desktop keyboard and mouse. Vise versa works too for those rare occasions.

Omnigraffle – Mindmapping powertool with easy export to website setup or pdf, I’ll be using this extensively as I build out assistant workflows and wireframes for projects. Mac only.

3 Blogs

Mixergy – Andrew Warner interviews ambitious start ups. Really great flow to his interviews and more importantly I almost always walk away with something actionable. Consistently grabs “big little names”, like Tim Ferris or Gary Vaynerchuck or the guys who make WooThemes and really digs into how they are finding success. A lot of value here.

Virtual Business Lifestyle – A website by Chris C Ducker. I’m relatively new to following Chris but he’s got a great focus on outsourcing and also hits on passive income. He has a fresh very real style and is transparent with his finances. I appreciate that. He’s coming from the perspective of a CEO of an outsourcing company so I don’t know if you can’t get more direct for your outsourcing tips.

The Smart Passive Income Blog – The website sounds cheesy, but the author Pat Flynn has an awesome story. He turned a test he was having trouble passing into an online forum for group learning, then into ad space, and then grew multiple ideas for generating passive income online. He now shares his journey, what he learned and what he’s continuing to learn with others. He’s very accessible, transparent, and focused on creating income. He has a great attitude about it too. Perfect for the income stage of lifestyle design.

3 eBooks

Bootstrappers Bible – A Seth Godin original apparently. In my typical style, I sent Seth an e-mail one day, lasered down to what I’m working on and asked for advice. He responded and recommended this resource and to keep working hard. Typical heh, but a great resource on business starting with zero initial money. Direct free download.

eBooks The Smart Way – A really great overall guide to launching an eBook. There have been some substantial posts on this topic lately as well, but it’s really a topic that works well for a guidebook of sorts. I’m half way through and finding it quickly applicable. Sign up for his mailing list for free download.

Start Over Finish Rich – David Bach is an award winning author and started my financial journey with his book Automatic Millionaire when I was 17. He just finished this book and I’m probably reading it more because I know his content is stellar than anything else. He calls it the action plan to getting your money back on track in 2010. I’m not particularly struggling with management, but talking money in general keeps me interested in business so this is more of a personal find. Amazon 9.99.

3 Types of Conversation

I haven’t really plugged this blog or attempted to popularize it as I’ve seen some of my other brother sites have. Believe it or not, it’s been about 220ish days since this site launched. I feel like Free Pursuits and Thrilling Heroics were just finding their own back when I started. I still haven’t felt the urge to draw attention here as this site continues to be about the journey and recording it’s facts and pragmatic process. I’ve been overwhelmed with the response I have received despite that fact, which for the most part has been a small powerful collective of people who I keep up with constantly. I love that and am so very open to growth. Having said that, I’ve been learning more of the ins and outs of guest posts and media attention for IT Arsenal, the “core” freedom income producing endeavor of this project. I do on the other hand want to start marketing and getting eye balls on that site as it I attempt to bring in real passive income through its works. I’ve been linking up with people I’ve connected with through the life design space and several small business owners. I continue to “network” a vague term for shooting the breeze to feel out how two people can mutually benefit each other. It’s fun for the most part.

Building on my last point, as I continue to network with others for IT Arsenal, it’s caused me to think about what I’m really offering and the products I’m developing. A common question I get is “send me something showing me what you do”. It’s been a big shift from freelancer/lifestyle design blogger to IT Arsenal product and services entrepreneur. I didn’t expect it, but creating a mini powerpoint, video or outline is really beneficial in pitching some sort of collaboration between you and that other website, blogger, small business owner, or speaking venue. I know I want to do Apple IT support and I’m building a backup guidebook, but I didn’t realize that when speaking on it, that I’m really offering process design workflows and systems for productivity and outsourcing. The latter sounds more appealing to small business owners and online entrepreneurs, even though when it gets down to it, I’ll end up building guidebooks, documentation and optimizing their computers for using what I’ve found to the most effective software for whatever their end goal is, marketing, photoshop, backing up, ect. A new perspective, but the same work I love.

Business meet-ups and mutually beneficial projects. I’m looking to establishing myself as a credible speaker and creator, something highly recommended to sell a product by others who’ve done it and the 4 Hour Work Week as well. Along that path I’ve asked a local university if I could give a free talk on the technology for starting a small business online and I’ve started looking through and for venues to talk to small business owners and give talks about anything to anyone who will listen. I’ve come across others with similar goals or those looking to create similar products which have led to potential collaboration. It’s great to have something in the pipeline. I already have a partner for my next product on workflows, am collaborating on a lifestyle designer support application, and linked up with a few people for potential cross sales.

I wonder….what are you finding useful lately and why? Leave a comment.