complainI wish I knew what online business owners complained about [if you’re one, unload in the comments!]

I’m sure I’m not alone in this type of wish, I want the freakin short cut. If I had the answer I could find every time 5 or more people complained about XXX or XXX, or XXX!, and I could do what I love to do, which is help people with technology, and build a solution.

More specifically though, I wish I knew what they complained about using Twitter and Facebook, because those tools let me search, target, and reach out to those people and offer them useful content and help directly in relation to their troubles.

That is one of the super powers of social media, powerful search and targeting, the problem is knowing what to search for…that part takes work! It’s the part everyone wimps out on, being aware, asking questions, digging into content, asking for feedback, asking if I should even do this, interacting, it takes time, and people shy away from this, that’s not smart.

When people complain, there’s a need, so there’s also an opportunity. You can’t just “know” without doing anything, you have to work to know. Bummer!

Don’t be afraid to go ask people what bothers them, then you won’t wish you knew, you’ll wish you knew how to solve their problems, which is a whole other problem, one every entrepreneur should love : )

…seriously though, what bothers you running your online business? I’d rather not do the work…


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